In a groundbreaking geological revelation, Chinese state media has reported the discovery of a potentially record-breaking gold deposit in central China’s Hunan Province. The deposit’s estimated reserves are approximately 1,000 metric tons of high-quality ore.
World’s largest Gold reverse discovered in China’s Hunan Province
The Geological Bureau of Hunan Province announced the extraordinary find in Pingjiang County, identifying 40 gold veins extending up to 2 kilometers beneath the Earth’s surface. This discovery could potentially surpass the South Deep mine in South Africa, currently holding about 900 metric tons.
“Many drilled rock cores revealed visible gold,” said Chen Rulin, a prospector from the geological bureau. The samples demonstrate exceptional potential, with each metric ton of ore potentially yielding up to 138 grams of gold—a remarkable figure considering underground mines typically classify high-grade ore as containing over 8 grams.
Preliminary assessments suggest the veins could directly contain around 300 metric tons of gold. Advanced 3D modelling indicates potential reserves might extend even deeper, potentially reaching depths of 3 kilometers.
Will this be beneficial for China’s Gold Industry?
The discovery carries significant implications for China’s gold industry, which already contributes approximately 10% of global gold production. China’s existing gold reserves were estimated to exceed 2,000 tons earlier in 2024, and this new find could further solidify its market dominance.
Geologically, gold deposits form through complex processes involving mineral-rich fluids circulating through rock fractures over millions of years. Temperature and pressure changes facilitate gold deposition, creating these valuable underground reserves.
The announcement has already impacted global markets, triggering an increase in gold prices amid ongoing economic uncertainties. While experts remain divided on the likelihood of future significant discoveries, this find suggests economically viable gold reserves may be more abundant than previously anticipated.
Over $83 billion value of gold reserves discovered
Valued at approximately US$83 billion, the Hunan Province gold deposit represents a potentially transformative discovery for China’s mining sector and the global gold market.
As geological exploration continues, this remarkable find underscores the ongoing potential for significant mineral discoveries in the 21st century.